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Caching - In-Memory, Redis, s3, Redis Semantic Cache, Disk

See Code


Need to use Caching on LiteLLM Proxy Server? Doc here: Caching Proxy Server

Initialize Cache - In Memory, Redis, s3 Bucket, Redis Semantic, Disk Cache, Qdrant Semantic

Install redis

pip install redis

For the hosted version you can setup your own Redis DB here:

import litellm
from litellm import completion
from litellm.caching import Cache

litellm.cache = Cache(

# Make completion calls
response1 = completion(
messages=[{"role": "user", "content": "Tell me a joke."}]
response2 = completion(
messages=[{"role": "user", "content": "Tell me a joke."}]

# response1 == response2, response 1 is cached

Switch Cache On / Off Per LiteLLM Call

LiteLLM supports 4 cache-controls:

  • no-cache: Optional(bool) When True, Will not return a cached response, but instead call the actual endpoint.
  • no-store: Optional(bool) When True, Will not cache the response.
  • ttl: Optional(int) - Will cache the response for the user-defined amount of time (in seconds).
  • s-maxage: Optional(int) Will only accept cached responses that are within user-defined range (in seconds).

Let us know if you need more

Example usage no-cache - When True, Will not return a cached response

response = litellm.completion(
"role": "user",
"content": "hello who are you"
cache={"no-cache": True},

Cache Context Manager - Enable, Disable, Update Cache

Use the context manager for easily enabling, disabling & updating the litellm cache

Enabling Cache

Quick Start Enable


Advanced Params

type: Optional[Literal["local", "redis", "s3", "disk"]] = "local",
host: Optional[str] = None,
port: Optional[str] = None,
password: Optional[str] = None,
supported_call_types: Optional[
List[Literal["completion", "acompletion", "embedding", "aembedding", "atranscription", "transcription"]]
] = ["completion", "acompletion", "embedding", "aembedding", "atranscription", "transcription"],

Disabling Cache

Switch caching off


Updating Cache Params (Redis Host, Port etc)

Update the Cache params

type: Optional[Literal["local", "redis", "s3", "disk"]] = "local",
host: Optional[str] = None,
port: Optional[str] = None,
password: Optional[str] = None,
supported_call_types: Optional[
List[Literal["completion", "acompletion", "embedding", "aembedding", "atranscription", "transcription"]]
] = ["completion", "acompletion", "embedding", "aembedding", "atranscription", "transcription"],

Custom Cache Keys:

Define function to return cache key

# this function takes in *args, **kwargs and returns the key you want to use for caching
def custom_get_cache_key(*args, **kwargs):
# return key to use for your cache:
key = kwargs.get("model", "") + str(kwargs.get("messages", "")) + str(kwargs.get("temperature", "")) + str(kwargs.get("logit_bias", ""))
print("key for cache", key)
return key

Set your function as litellm.cache.get_cache_key

from litellm.caching import Cache

cache = Cache(type="redis", host=os.environ['REDIS_HOST'], port=os.environ['REDIS_PORT'], password=os.environ['REDIS_PASSWORD'])

cache.get_cache_key = custom_get_cache_key # set get_cache_key function for your cache

litellm.cache = cache # set litellm.cache to your cache

How to write custom add/get cache functions

1. Init Cache

from litellm.caching import Cache
cache = Cache()

2. Define custom add/get cache functions

def add_cache(self, result, *args, **kwargs):
your logic

def get_cache(self, *args, **kwargs):
your logic

3. Point cache add/get functions to your add/get functions

cache.add_cache = add_cache
cache.get_cache = get_cache

Cache Initialization Parameters

def __init__(
type: Optional[Literal["local", "redis", "redis-semantic", "s3", "disk"]] = "local",
supported_call_types: Optional[
List[Literal["completion", "acompletion", "embedding", "aembedding", "atranscription", "transcription"]]
] = ["completion", "acompletion", "embedding", "aembedding", "atranscription", "transcription"],
ttl: Optional[float] = None,
default_in_memory_ttl: Optional[float] = None,

# redis cache params
host: Optional[str] = None,
port: Optional[str] = None,
password: Optional[str] = None,
namespace: Optional[str] = None,
default_in_redis_ttl: Optional[float] = None,
similarity_threshold: Optional[float] = None,

# s3 Bucket, boto3 configuration
s3_bucket_name: Optional[str] = None,
s3_region_name: Optional[str] = None,
s3_api_version: Optional[str] = None,
s3_path: Optional[str] = None, # if you wish to save to a specific path
s3_use_ssl: Optional[bool] = True,
s3_verify: Optional[Union[bool, str]] = None,
s3_endpoint_url: Optional[str] = None,
s3_aws_access_key_id: Optional[str] = None,
s3_aws_secret_access_key: Optional[str] = None,
s3_aws_session_token: Optional[str] = None,
s3_config: Optional[Any] = None,

# disk cache params

# qdrant cache params
qdrant_api_base: Optional[str] = None,
qdrant_api_key: Optional[str] = None,
qdrant_collection_name: Optional[str] = None,
qdrant_quantization_config: Optional[str] = None,



Cache hits are logged in success events as kwarg["cache_hit"].

Here's an example of accessing it:

import litellm
from litellm.integrations.custom_logger import CustomLogger
from litellm import completion, acompletion, Cache

# create custom callback for success_events
class MyCustomHandler(CustomLogger):
async def async_log_success_event(self, kwargs, response_obj, start_time, end_time):
print(f"On Success")
print(f"Value of Cache hit: {kwargs['cache_hit']"})

async def test_async_completion_azure_caching():
# set custom callback
customHandler_caching = MyCustomHandler()
litellm.callbacks = [customHandler_caching]

# init cache
litellm.cache = Cache(type="redis", host=os.environ['REDIS_HOST'], port=os.environ['REDIS_PORT'], password=os.environ['REDIS_PASSWORD'])
unique_time = time.time()
response1 = await litellm.acompletion(model="azure/chatgpt-v-2",
"role": "user",
"content": f"Hi 👋 - i'm async azure {unique_time}"
await asyncio.sleep(1)
print(f"customHandler_caching.states pre-cache hit: {customHandler_caching.states}")
response2 = await litellm.acompletion(model="azure/chatgpt-v-2",
"role": "user",
"content": f"Hi 👋 - i'm async azure {unique_time}"
await asyncio.sleep(1) # success callbacks are done in parallel